Why Enemies? Blog #230.

We all are enough and we all matter, so why have enemies?  Being angry and holding a grudge takes too much energy.  Energy that we could be focusing on love and compassion.

Anger, violence, and revenge are hurtful to all involved.   Revenge doesn’t help the situation or make anyone feel better about themselves.  Negative actions only put more stress on the already tense relationship. 

It is overwhelming how much energy is wasted among couples, families, and friends that cultivate stress and anger in their relationships.  Living in that toxic environment is exhausting and can become paralyzing.

Treat those that are hurtful to you as you would want to be treated.  When you refuse to fight back, people stop and wonder why they are not getting a negative reaction in return. 

The angered person might try to pick a fight when confronted with kindness.  When one stays the course of compassion, the negative influences will become weaker. 

When I am confronted with hurtful actions my “go-to” is prayer.  I pray for the person who is attacking, asking for the strength to stay kind and the wisdom to manage the situation with love. 

When I stay the course and react with kindness I am better able to understand that there is more to the issue than I might realize.  Compassion helps one see that other factors are likely involved.  I pray for peace, forgiveness, and understanding.  I am grateful Jesus loves us despite our faults.

I look forward to the day when love prevails.  Being kind to others opens the door to compassion and brings understanding to the chaos around us. 

Bring love, compassion, and understanding to your enemies.  Prayer will lead to forgiveness and open the door to a much kinder world.

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