Everyday Struggles. Blog #235.

Each of us faces our own personal struggles.  Some of us may have similar issues, but we have our unique set of circumstances.  We really don’t know what other people are going through because we are not walking in their shoes. 

Despite only knowing our personal issues, everyday struggles are real.  Some days the conflict seems to weigh us down.  We try to work through the obstacles, yet more issues arise. 

It might seem like prayers are not answered or worse, not heard.  Jesus has a plan for each of us.  His plan may not work with our time schedule, but he hears us and answers on his terms.  Jesus sees all our unique struggles.  In hindsight, his plan has always exceeded my dreams. 

I pray through my struggles, asking Jesus to show me my path.  Allowing him to guide me through, asking that the issue be resolved his way, and on his timeline. 

In addition to prayer, I trust in Jesus.  Once I pray I trust that he has my back.  I don’t waiver or try to control the issue.  Without a doubt, I believe and rely on Jesus.  I might momentarily wonder why something is or is not happening.  However, I continue to trust, pray, and stay the course.

Since I trust Jesus, there is no reason to worry.  When we believe without a doubt, there is no reason for stress.  I have given control to Jesus.  I thank him and give him my worries.  If worry and stress creep back I thank Jesus and give the stress and worry to him again.  I repeat that until my body is at peace.   

Carlos and Alexa PenaVega recently released their book, What If Love Is The Point?  Throughout the book, they share their struggles and how they responded to the conflict.  As their faith strengthened, their struggles became manageable and love prevailed. 

“Again and again as we’ve asked God, ‘What is the point?’ we hear His whisper consistently saying, ‘Love,’
Being loved by God is the point.
Loving God with our lives is the point.
Loving the people He puts in our path is the point.
Sharing God’s love with others is the point.
Love is the point.” (p210)

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