Have you ever experienced something that you wanted to do, you believed in, but you were not ready or not willing to step out and give it your all, as in a state of being lukewarm? Maybe you liked the cause but were not willing to give up your time. Something you were interested in but nervous about people finding out you were actively participating. A time when you were comfortable with your life and you were not ready to disrupt the routine.
Personally, I have experienced all of these many times. Time is one that has always been very precious to me and I guard it often to the extreme. I am very good at boundaries and at saying, “For now, no thank you.”
At certain times in my life, I said, “No” to almost everything other than my faith and my family. I stayed true to my priorities during whatever season of life I was going through.
When I was single it appeared as if I was a workaholic. In truth I had balance and I loved every minute of my career. I was on a path that allowed me to see the joy in my work and I found meaning in my journey. Although the balance may not have been visible to others, it was my path at the time.
I didn’t realize I had my priorities in line, but I did know that I was guided on a path with a purpose. The purpose was not exposed at the time but became clear later in my life.
I learned to quickly evaluate tasks in relation to my priorities. Choosing to stand strong on how I allocate my time, I am not lukewarm.
I don’t protect my time because I want to do only the things I like. It is protected so I am available to serve. I don’t want to be lukewarm to Jesus.
I have struggled with thoughts about what people would think regarding what I am doing and some of the choices I have made. Thankfully, they are momentary struggles that I quickly pray away to Jesus. I don’t let those struggles paralyze me or my future, nor do I change my path.
There are times I think I am crazy. But I stay the course. One of the most obvious struggles for me was my direct marketing career. A wonderful career, but not something I would choose for myself. It chose me.
Despite any reservations, my effort and attitude were excellent. A learning experience for which I am grateful I stayed the course and grateful I was not lukewarm.
Although it is tempting to linger in the status quo, I would not want to give up all the opportunities that I have gained through stepping out in faith. Blessings are bountiful when you serve others. The size of the task does not matter, it is the openness of your heart that matters. Love abundantly, care with compassion, and serve selflessly, say goodbye to living lukewarmly.
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