Be Still. Blog #336.

It is time to stop letting the chaos into my life and be still.  Leaning on prayer to lead me to my daily purpose.  Living in the moment not letting the past define me or the future scare me. 

Focusing on Jesus is the best way I know to be still.  I focus on prayer and then listen.  For me, prayer is the easy part.  

Welcoming in the Holy Spirit is the place I start, continuing with thanking Jesus for dwelling within and healing my soul.  I trust that he will guide and heal me so thanking him in advance seems wise.     

Focusing on being still, listening, and finding the opportunities that present themselves requires patience.  It also requires a willingness to give up what I want and think is best for me to follow my intended path.

I found it easy to give up my dreams because what God has planned for me thus far has been better than what I had dreamed for myself.  The goals I chose were fine, but traveling my intended path has been an adventure.

Living in the moment makes it easier for me to follow my intended path.  I am not held back by dwelling on the past.  Although I take the lessons I have learned and apply them to the present.

When we live in the moment we can quickly make changes in our daily lives.  Taking advantage of opportunities that arise as we move throughout the day.  Listening to the signs around me I can move forward or withdraw depending on my level of inner peace.   

I trust that when I move forward with inner peace everything else will fall into place and the necessary tasks will get accomplished.  The tasks might not get completed how I imagined, but I trust Jesus.  

“Okay Jesus, I am willing, show me how to get this accomplished.”  I focus on Jesus, listen, and move forward utilizing the opportunities that present themselves.  If I am on my path, things fall into place.  Without a doubt, I believe things will work out.     

Be still, listen, and trust in Jesus.

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