Reflections. Blog #192.

As our dog and I walk through the neighborhood I see reflections.  I watch the trees and leaves dancing on the water, with the sunshine magnifying the true beauty of nature around me.

A similar beauty is seen in people as I live my daily life.  There is a certain peacefulness within some people that radiates similarly to the reflections of nature.  With people, I see it as love that radiates from their hearts. 

Just as there are times when one can see the pain and suffering of an individual, one can also see people who radiate authentic happiness and peace.  Not that the happiness has come without pain or suffering, but that something within them has found a way to love and appreciate the life they live.

I have noticed since I was a child that there are people who radiate love when they walk into a room.  Sometimes it is a couple.  The union of the two people works so well that kindness reflects off them as they enter the room.  Other times it is an individual who radiates love to those they meet.   In both cases, there is something special, something kind, something peaceful about how they treat others around them.   

My parents have always been one of these couples.  My father is quiet until he has something worth saying, and my mother is much more comfortable around those familiar, together the chemistry has made for a relationship built on kindness and love.  It always made me smile that this relatively unassuming couple left people with a feeling of grace and appreciation.  They give off a reflection of love. 

What is it that allows one to focus on joy and to reflect love?

For me, it is faith and prayer.  I have faith that if I surrender to Jesus, love will prevail.  I pray that I am able to keep my focus on faith and that I am able to love and forgive unconditionally.  I try to surround myself with people who reflect love. 

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