Do I roll over and take the attack? Do I move forward accomplishing the challenge at whatever cost? Do I consider how the challenge is affecting others? I do my best to give my challenges to Jesus. I don’t roll over and give up, but I allow myself to be led by prayer and faith. Prayer is a constant in my life including when faced with challenges. Prayer spares me from stress and worry and allows me to give it to God. I listen for possible alternatives and work at uncovering all the possibilities that become present in my…
I am guided by faith daily, but there are times when I am unsure if I am making the right decision regarding the problem at hand. Sometimes it is difficult for me to decipher the signs. I am always relieved when I feel a rush running through my body because I am then confident I am on the correct path. If I have a pit in my stomach, I immediately know to change course. When I am struggling with direction regarding a specific issue, I first pray and ask for guidance. I ask Jesus to please block my path if…
There is a lot going on in the world, way too much fighting and turmoil for my liking. I choose peace. That doesn’t mean I ignore what is going on around the world but it does mean that I don’t allow the events to bring unnecessary stress, anxiety, and depression to my life. As we watch television and interact with social media it is difficult to keep emotions in check. We get drawn in and before we even realize our emotions drift and worry surfaces. It is difficult to find a balance between having awareness and concern for…
What is it that makes us scared to put all of our faith in Jesus? Some of us are well versed in the Bible, devoted to prayer, faithful in attending worship services, and/or generally live our lives by the “golden rule.” If we are doing some or all of those things, what makes us hesitant to surrender to Jesus? Could it be that we think we have surrendered to Jesus, but in reality are still in control of our daily lives? I have found that I frequently have to surrender and give up control. I surrender and shortly after…