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Bloom To Your True Potential. Blog #64.

With spring comes all the beauty of new blossoms and beginnings.  Just as we are getting restless with our old winter routine, renewed life and beauty arrive.  In comes spring! Allowing yourself to blossom and reach your potential is something that we all have an opportunity to learn.  It takes a conscious decision to do things to help us achieve our potential.   We can choose to live our lives at our current potential or to take ourselves to the next level.  Often we look to reading self-help books, listening to motivational podcasts, and reciting daily affirmations to help us…

Tunnel Vision. Blog #63.

One might say that I am in the zone or maybe that I have tunnel vision.  I have this habit of focusing on the task at hand to the point of being somewhat oblivious to other things around me.  Sometimes this can be a huge asset and other times it can be rather embarrassing.   I find it rather humiliating when my tunnel vision takes over and I don’t see or acknowledge people that I know when I am out and about running errands.  Partially at fault is the fact that my corrective eye surgery is wearing off.  But more…

A Great Day. Blog #62.

What makes a day great?  What makes one day better than another?  What is it that energizes us to smile and say, “That was a great day!”? How can we make our days as great as possible? We often tell each other to have a nice day or maybe even a great day.  Although those are pleasant comments that I use daily, I also like to challenge myself to, “Make it a great day.”  The one-word difference makes us put action into our day.  It assumes that we are going to set out to turn the day into something…

Doubt. Blog #61.

Sometimes doubt prepares us for what is ahead, sometimes it produces fear, and sometimes it offers an opportunity to change direction.  Have you ever experienced feeling apprehensive about something you are about to do or say?  It is that feeling of doubt that sends out a warning signal, almost like an SOS, giving one an opportunity to stay on course or change direction. Preparing us for what is ahead.  As uncertainty sets in so do the feelings of discomfort.  What am I getting myself into?  Suddenly a feeling of panic and the question, am I doing the right thing?  That…