Assumptions. Blog #183.

How is it that we allow ourselves to get tangled up in assumptions?  Why do we stop short of asking the questions or doing our research? I remember a time when I was asked to take a look at a business opportunity.  I tend to be entrepreneurial and typically will listen to the pitch.  I have a few standard benchmarks the business has to pass before I will spend time evaluating an opportunity. This business passed the basic test and I was intrigued enough to find out more information.  The person pitching the business made a 30-minute presentation and…

What Meets The Eye: A Lesson. Blog #182.

This past weekend a very valuable lesson resurfaced as we celebrated Independence Day with our friends, family, and community.  Years ago a friend of ours started what has now become a family tradition of renting a golf car for July 4th.  It was Friday and the girls and I were anticipating the arrival of the golf car rental.  Hopeful that it indeed would arrive and that it would arrive in the fashion of a six-passenger.  We love to be able to take lots of friends and family to all the community festivities. When it comes to celebrating July 4th…

Making A Difference. Blog #181.

There is something about the July 4th holiday that inspires me to think about our freedom and how grateful I am to those individuals who have made a difference in this world.  I started to reflect on how simple yet powerful it is to make a positive impact on those around us. The words of Mother Teresa have always inspired me to realize that all of our actions matter.  “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” I find that people who send messages of hope make a…

It Is Not Our Job To Judge, But To Love. Blog #180.

Sometimes it is me whom I judge and sometimes it is others.  It happens so quickly that my filter has to be ready to block those critical thoughts immediately.  I quickly say a prayer asking for forgiveness and remind myself that I don’t know all that is going on so best that I don’t judge.    We are all equal in the eyes of God.  So why is it that we sometimes feel we are not equal to those around us?  Is it that we allow ourselves or others to make us feel we are not worthy? We all…

Fear. Blog #179.

What is your biggest fear?  There have been times in my life when that question has stopped me in my tracks.  Fear was never a word in my vocabulary.  I did not have time for fear.  Or maybe it was that I had not yet pushed myself to experience fear.  Sometimes my fears are unknown.  I don’t know that something is preventing me from moving forward.  It might be something happening in the world or something specific to my life.  There are times when fear camouflages itself making one feel unable to function. Baggage that has built up over…

Words. Blog #178.

Those moments when words can cut like a knife or wrap us with a hug.  Words can leave us feeling attacked, misunderstood, misled, and also loved.  I often give myself a reminder regarding the importance of choosing words carefully and thinking before speaking.  There are times when I believe we would surprise ourselves if we listened to the words we spoke and the tone in which we delivered our words.    Before I speak I think to myself, “Am I being helpful?”  The last thing anyone needs is to be attacked with hurtful words or tone.  I have not found harsh…

Inspire. Blog #177.

I cherish the moments when I am surrounded by people who inspire me.  I find it uplifting to be in the presence of people who find it in their hearts to give encouragement to others.     In today’s world, it is easy to get caught up in the negative, the gossip, the stress, and the blame.  I try not to let myself get off track and avoid the above situations. Often I find inspiring people at the most unusual times and places.  I don’t necessarily look for people who inspire, but I am drawn to people who inspire. Kindness…

Strong In Faith. Blog #176

One of my strengths is that I am able to believe and have faith that good things will happen and that I will persevere through anything to walk my intended path.  There could be numerous negative things that surround me but I will see the light.  I have learned over the years to walk the path without reservation.  I am not looking for everything that went wrong but moving toward opportunities that appear among the clouds.  I might see things that I am not happy about, but I don’t dwell on those moments I concentrate on what I can…

Remembering To Give Thanks. Blog #175.

I give thanks countless times a day.  Giving thanks for so many reasons, but bottom line I give thanks to Jesus.  “Give Thanks” was the topic for the first blog as I started this journey just over 3 years ago.  Being grateful, appreciative, and thankful opens the door to positivity and possibility. I feel that when you thank someone you are telling them you personally appreciate whatever it is they have done.  I often hear, “There’s no reason to thank me.”  Thanking someone may not be necessary because the person would have done the task regardless of your appreciation…

Peace. Blog #174.

I thought that once the inner peace of Jesus was felt throughout the body it would be enough to encourage more reliance on the Lord.  For some that might be true, but others still convince themselves that it was a one-time experience.  It is difficult to describe the feeling of inner peace.  For me, it is a rush throughout my body and an immediate feeling of reassurance.  Sometimes it is a quick moment of confirmation, other times it is a longer feeling of stress being lifted.  There are times when I will shake someone’s hand and immediately feel…