Remembering To Give Thanks. Blog #175.

I give thanks countless times a day.  Giving thanks for so many reasons, but bottom line I give thanks to Jesus.  “Give Thanks” was the topic for the first blog as I started this journey just over 3 years ago.  Being grateful, appreciative, and thankful opens the door to positivity and possibility. I feel that when you thank someone you are telling them you personally appreciate whatever it is they have done.  I often hear, “There’s no reason to thank me.”  Thanking someone may not be necessary because the person would have done the task regardless of your appreciation…

Peace. Blog #174.

I thought that once the inner peace of Jesus was felt throughout the body it would be enough to encourage more reliance on the Lord.  For some that might be true, but others still convince themselves that it was a one-time experience.  It is difficult to describe the feeling of inner peace.  For me, it is a rush throughout my body and an immediate feeling of reassurance.  Sometimes it is a quick moment of confirmation, other times it is a longer feeling of stress being lifted.  There are times when I will shake someone’s hand and immediately feel…

Broken. Blog #173.

Are you or have you ever been broken?  I have been broken and daily find myself in a position of thanking Jesus for picking up the pieces and providing hope.  Although sometimes I am able to see the true needs of others, the picture we display in public is rarely the whole story.  This past year has opened my eyes to the depth of our brokenness. I see people of all ages and cultures in various settings going through life with smiles on their faces and emptiness in their souls.  People struggle to know if it is okay to show…

Risky Business. Blog #172.

It is risky to be real, but empowering just the same.  Why is it scary to be real?  Because it requires stepping out in faith.  It means that I am totally exposed and people have the choice to accept or not accept the person I have become.  That in itself is scary.  It is a risk to take off the mask and unveil the true colors.  I never changed who I was in character or spirit.  I did, however, hold the strength of my faith in the closet for years.  It wasn’t that I didn’t let anyone in…

Don’t Take It Personal. Blog #171.

Although for a moment I may take things personally, I quickly regroup and realize that there are ways to rid myself of what seems like a personal attack.  I start by removing myself from thinking negative thoughts and turning to prayer.  I then find something constructive that I can use to learn and grow and/or I give the worry to God.  It is hard not to take what people say and do personally.  I do want to grow from my mistakes, but I don’t want to be paralyzed by negative influences.  I quickly get rid of any bad…

Timing Is Everything. Blog #170.

The stage is set to pull off a major event which takes planning, effort, cooperation among people, and an ability to understand the importance of timing.  Sound familiar?  Have you ever launched a business, been the leader of an organization or event, or planned a vacation? One can do everything right and if the timing is off success is in jeopardy.  My life took direction immediately after graduate school.  I had thought I would be accepting a position at a university when an offer was extended to work in industry.  At the time the job offer was half of what…

Blessings. Blog #169.

As a child, I am not sure I fully realized the power of the phrase, “Count your blessings”.  In the back of my mind, I recall hearing that phrase being used by many adults.  I now find myself encouraging my children to realize all the blessings around us.  There is a lot going on in this world, I choose to focus on the blessings.  I think about the positive things going on around me.  When I start with an attitude of appreciation I find that I have a better perspective on life’s challenging issues.  When I ignore all the…

Things That Improve My Outlook On Life:  Part II. Blog #168.

Last week I wrote about how faith, prayer, love, service, and forgiveness all work synergistically to help me face life with a positive outlook.  At the same time judgment, control, self-pity, blame, and worry are things that I aspire to eliminate in my life.  It is a work in progress, but the good news is that I am aware and normally recognize when the nasty side makes its appearance.  I quickly change my attitude and rely on faith, prayer, love, service, and forgiveness. With the sudden realization that I am processing judgmental thoughts, I silently ask Jesus for forgiveness…

5 Things That Improve My Outlook On Life. Blog #167.

When I want to change my attitude or outlook on life, I quickly evaluate my priorities and reestablish how faith, prayer, love, service, and forgiveness are working in my life.     Do I have a realistic perspective or am I living a life full of stress?  Am I allowing fear or faith to lead my life? For me, faith is first.  I can sense when I step over the line and try to manage my life rather than walk my intended path.  I center my thoughts on Jesus and trust that opportunities will arise if I am open to all possibilities…

What Meets The Eye:  Perceptions. Blog #166.

Lately, I’ve been thinking about perceptions and how often I automatically take what I see and hear as real.  How often do I look at the situation and make a judgment based on a brief encounter?  Do I go a step further and confirm what I have seen or heard or do I make a spontaneous judgment? I listen to and read the news that is reported but challenge myself to be open to various perspectives.  I have my opinions but tend not to verbalize them because rarely have I taken the time to seek the truth through research…