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Love What You Do. Blog #232.

Some time ago I heard a quote from Radhika Reddy, “You are not always going to be able to do what you love, but you can love what you do.”  For most of my life, I have loved what I have done.  I find something that makes me happy and I keep myself focused on enjoying what I do.  Many times it is the people that I am with that allow me to love what I do.  I don’t remember saying yes or no to a job because of the product or service.  My focus was always on the…

On The Edge Of Giving Up? Blog #231

Many times in direct marketing I have heard people say that they were at the point of giving up, but they pushed through.  If they had not connected with a few more people they would never have experienced being a top leader.   Being persistent with a positive attitude, humble heart, and genuine gratitude goes a long way in business.  How does that philosophy relate to everyday life?  Might it be that we all need a reason to keep moving forward?  What is it in our life that pushes us to want to get up in the morning and take steps…

Why Enemies? Blog #230.

We all are enough and we all matter, so why have enemies?  Being angry and holding a grudge takes too much energy.  Energy that we could be focusing on love and compassion. Anger, violence, and revenge are hurtful to all involved.   Revenge doesn’t help the situation or make anyone feel better about themselves.  Negative actions only put more stress on the already tense relationship.  It is overwhelming how much energy is wasted among couples, families, and friends that cultivate stress and anger in their relationships.  Living in that toxic environment is exhausting and can become paralyzing. Treat those that…

We All Are Good Enough. Blog #229.

One reason love is a mandatory ingredient in my life is because we all are good enough for Jesus.  We might think about those who have treated us poorly or are not walking the “right” path according to our standards, but we all have an opportunity to be with Jesus. For most of my life, I didn’t fully understand how important it is to lead a life with love.  I understood being nice and kind to others, but I was not living my life with love in my heart for all. Inner peace grows within you when you start…